Describe your natural haircare journey in one word? A question we picked up in one of our favourite Local Naturalista Groups. The responses were interesting but what stuck out was how most were frustrated, exhausted or ready to give up…
Ironically the same words that get us Naturalista’s Hot under the collar when used to describe our hair by people outside our community, are the same words we often use ourselves. Difficult, Problematic, Krous, Steelwool, Unkempt. The list of negative descriptions is much longer than the positive.
It’s got us asking, have we really embraced our God given locks or is Natural Hair the ‘in thing’. It’s what the conscience and the ‘woke’ are in to. It’s a fad which will fade away and be replaced…
Being fierce advocates for natural hair, you can be rest assured we don’t think of it as a fad, opportunity for financial gain or a way to display our ‘wokeness’. As Africans, we believe our God given, hair is inseparable from our identity.
We choose to go against the grain and celebrate our locks honouring our heritage, culture and continent. We choose to explore new ways to display it’s beauty and versatility. We choose to educate, inform, learn and share the positive.
Yes, we will admit that it’s not always easy. We do have our good hair days as often as we have our bad. When the wig or headrap just seems a better option.
It’s a journey and all memorable journey’s come with up’s, downs, detours and the unexpected.
How would you describe your natural haircare journey in one word????