In the first year of being natural, one of the biggest frustrations is keeping your hair tangle-free. Your natural instinct is to grab a comb and get to tugging and teasing those tangles out. This could be the biggest mistake you’re making, and why your hair doesn’t seem to be growing.
Kinky, coily hair is fragile. Combing dry, tangled hair is usually the big reason your hair doesn’t seem to grow.
It is growing. It’s just not retaining the length because of breakage and tangles.
To avoid the pains of knots, setbacks and tangles you need to detangle your hair properly and regularly. Preferably once a week during washdays.
Before you get that comb and start destroying your hair, THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW…
Never detangle or comb matted, dry hair. Dry, matted hair is very fragile and will break if handled too roughly. Tangled, Matted hair is best detangled while damp with a product like conditioner on it to give it some slip.
So before you get busy with a comb on your dry, matted hair,
- Dampen your hair with some water.
- Apply a generous amount of conditioner
- Gently detangle with your fingers.
- Finish off with a wide tooth comb
- Rinse out the conditioner.