If there’s one thing going natural will teach you fast, it is being organised. Taking care of your Natural Hair can be a bit frustrating at first. It requires a lot of time and patience. But once you establish good hair care routine, things get easier.
No haircare routine is complete without basic hair care tools. These 6 hair care tools are affordable, easy to find, will save you time and will make a world of difference.
- Wide tooth comb
Your fingers are the best tools for detangling natural hair. But a good wide tooth comb is a must have. Use it only after a good finger detangle on well moisturised, stretched, dry hair or while conditioning your hair on wash days. It will keep your hair tangle free and prevent unnecessary breakage.
- Spray bottle
Water is the secret to moisturised hair. A simple mixture of Distilled water and glycerine in a spray bottle is your best friend on those days when your hair feels a bit dry. Asili’s Rosewater Mist is the perfect alternative solution. Not only do you get the goodness of pure rose water, but the bottle also comes in handy when making DIY hair mists…
- A Quality Bristle Brush
A quality Bristle Brush is great for keeping edges neat and tidy. It’s also great for daily use on well moisturised, stretched and detangled hair. Make sure the bristles are soft and bendable. Natural fibre and silicone bristles are the best choices…
- Satin bonnet
Although not a tool, we can’t preach enough about the importance of using a satin bonnet. Less tangles, more moisture. What more would you want…
- Tangle Teezer
Detangling on washdays can be a pain. Save yourself a little time and hassle and invest in a tangle teezer. Your fingers should do most of the work but a tangle Teezer takes it to the next level. Beautifully detangled hair and lovely, healthy coils…
- Bobby Pins
Good old Bobby pins for styling are indispensable. They’re a must for styling especially if you’re a protective style junky.
Make 2022 the year you get your naturalista starter kit in order by investing in great quality tools. Do you know any that we haven’t mentioned????
Image: Conair brush, Wikimedia