Does it feel like your trusted brand of Conditioner, Shampoo or Hair Moisturiser is just not doing what it used to. You’ve set the day aside. Did all the right things on wash day. Yet your hair looks dull, limp and stays dry.
Frustrating right……
But, it’s actually a good sign. It’s your hair telling you it’s time to switch things up. Like seasons change, your haircare needs and products should change too. Commercial Shampoos, Conditioners, Moisturisers and Hair Spritz are usually the culprit. After afew months, your hair can get ‘used’ to certain chemicals in these causing it to look dull..
You can relax, cause your trusted Asili Hair Butter, Rose Water and Castor Oil are all natural. Think of them as the foundation of your haircare routine. They’ll be good come rain or shine…
The conditioning agents and thickers in Shampoos, Moisturizer’s and Conditioners can cause a limp, dull appearance. When that happens it’s time to Clarifying or Deep Cleanse and change your products. Lighter, moisturising products are usually the best option.
Once you do the switch, you’ll almost immediately feel the difference. So when it’s time, switch it up. In afew months you’ll be able to switch back to your fav’s without any trouble..