It’s one of those things we ignore or dread. But it’s an essential part of your healthy hair routine. It’s the only way to ensure your ends stay and look healthy at all times.
A regular trim….
Why is trimming your hair necessary???
The ends of your hair strands are the oldest part of your hair. As old as 4 years old and more. With time they start to thin out, split, get riddled with tiny knots and look dull. These minor imperfections can have a major effect on the health and success of your hair growth. The only way to establish healthier ends is by getting a regular trim.
Healthy ends also prevent your hair from tangling, absorb products easier and just look better.
How often should I trim my hair???
There’s really no hard and fast rules about how often you need a trim. Your hair usually tells you when. It will start splitting, knotting, looking dull and fraying at the ends. This hair is usually unhealthy and damaged. It’s good practise to get a trim at least once every 3 months. If you visit a salon for regular treatments and styling, ask them to include a trim (not a cut).
Can I use any type of scissors???
This is something that a lot of people don’t know about. Trimming your hair is best done with Hair Shears or scissors designed for hair. Your stationery scissors actually can be quite damaging on your ends, especially if they are blunt. Hair scissors are sharper and will ensure you don’t get split ends..
How much should I trim off???
Any visibly damaged or split hair should ideally be trimmed off. Regular trims on healthy hair are usually only just ¼ inch long. But if you’ve spent months or even years without a good trim, expect to get a lot more cut off. The idea is to ensure you are not wasting product on unhealthy ends beyond repair.
How should I prepare my hair for a trim??
Trimming is best done on clean, stretched hair. You hair can be stretched using simple methods like Plaiting, twisting or a hair dryer on mild heat after a wash. Comb it out thoroughly and then get to work on trimming those ends. It’s ideally best to get someone experienced to do it. If you have no choice but to do it yourself, comb your hair into an afro and get to work. Easier to see split ends and knots on stretched hair.
You’ll also need 2 mirrors to see the back of your head. Take your time and do a thorough job.
When was the last time you gave your hair a good trim???? Leave a reply in the comments.